As an assignment for a class I'm in, we had to discuss our fears. At first, I didn't think I had any. (ha!)
I'm afraid of
1. listing my fears. It's taken me a week to do this. If I list
them, then I might actually have to deal with them.
2. snakes (that one's easy)
3. Hurting anyone's feelings
4. disappointing my husband
5. not being able to communicate well with my kids
6. losing myself in my life of stay-at-home mother/wife
7. confrontation... and yet
8. NOT confronting issues that bother me
9. accepting praise
10. not knowing what I want,
11. (and by extension) not being in control.
What are you afraid of??
(and you can't say ending a sentence in a preposition...)
I'm afraid of snakes.
Did I mention snakes?
As I get older, my fear of bugs is decreasing (surprising the hell out of me) but my fear of snakes is increasing.
I don't even like the word snake.
(shudder, shiver)
*Illness (esp. cancer)/being debilitated and/or senile.
*Letting people down.
*Air conditioners falling out of windows (this is not an incapacitating fear, but I think of it more often than most people do, I bet).
*Cars getting in horrible accidents heading in the opposite direction from me on the highway and flipping over the median so I don't even see it coming (again, not a paralyzing fear -- I drive all the time. But again, it crosses my mind periodically and makes me cold.
*My dog getting sick (not the cat -- he's apparently indestructible).
All my life the thing I was most afraid of was losing my parents. My Mum died this year, and I finally understand why I was so afraid. It's so hard to find my way without her.
But I don't know what I'm afraid of, now, either.
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