Thursday, January 10, 2008

The organizer is coming! The organizer is coming!

OH SH*T, the organizer is coming.

I am approaching this with joy, and reservation. I crave order, simplicity, starkness; but I am afraid. Not of her judging me, because I know no one is harsher than I am about that! I'm afraid of what I'll learn about myself. Can I let the "stuff" go? What will happen to me once it's gone?
Will I be able to maintain? How many hours beyond the 3 1/2 I'm alloted will she have to be here?

She said not to clean before she comes. She needs to see how we use & don't use the space. I'm all aflutter. Since she said not to clean, I've had the biggest cleaning jones. Is that all I need? Someone to tell me not to do something, so I'll do it. The Reverse-Psychology Institute.

So, since she told me not to clean, I've been playing this week. On Monday, at the MSU Surplus I found a stack of vinyl records in the "free" pile. I took them home (yeah, I know, I am trying to git rid of stuff!) and looked up info on the web about making bowls from records. 200 degrees in the oven for 5-10 minutes, then form over whatever shape you like. Oh my. They look terrific and it is so fun! I've made some trays, some shallow bowls, some plant-pot-covers, and the beginnings of a purse. Now I have to figure out how to seal the labels, and sew in a lining in the purse - well, and a handle.

I also gave away 3 pieces of fabric from my stash.

Maybe getting rid of all this stuff will help get the rest of my life going. What-ever-it-is I'm doing next. I can only hope. and clean. and prepare for it.


Cara dB said...

those bowls sound way cool. I wonder if I can get Dave to part with some of his collection? (yeah ... that's likely.)

the organizer sounds cool too. Good luck!

Jen said...

I cringe a little at the destruction of vinyl. Are they at least bad albums? Sounds like fun, though. The Organizer sounds ominous. I picture a little weaselly man with white gloves sneering the word "dirty" every few minutes. *shiver*

Lysnekate said...

They were free albums from MSU Surplus - mostly opera, one Broadway, and one Emily Dickenson. All scratched. It is so fun to do! I'll post a blog about the Organizer tonight.