I had a fabulous time last night. I was visiting with co-workers from the charter school where I used to work. (http://www.davinciinstitute.org/district.html) Sometimes I forget how magical that place was. The five of us started that school, we put in 10 hour days teaching, loving, negotiating with the kids and each other. It was an intense, lovely time full of frustrations and victories. I've been thinking of writing about that experience, but I didn't take good notes during the crush of it all. It may not matter. I get such a sense of pride when I see the mission statement. It took HOURS and DAYS of revisiting that to get the wording right when we were creating it.
Can you post the mission statement here?
The purpose of the da Vinci Institute is to prepare students to be well-educated, self-directed young adults who are Reasonable, Respectful and Responsible members of a global society.
Aww! *sniff* Brings back memories. I'll help with any of my ridiculously young teenage drama that I remember from those oh-so-wonderful times. I distinctly remember that you were the only thing keeping me sane for a time. ;)
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